Chair Eric De Sena reports that a second adjunct gathering was held via Zoom in late November. The “high point” was Jen Gurahian’s report on the NYSUT Community College Conference. These gartherings are designed to be both social and informational and will continue on a monthly basis in the spring semester. Anyone wanting to join the committee should write to Eric at ericdwccft@gmail.com
WCCFT Treasurer Doris Warmflash reports that bills from Buchbinder, our accounting firm, were received and paid in the amounts of $10K and $6K.
Chair Joyce Cassidy reports that the committee met on November 17 and December 8 to review its objectives and the draft WCCFT committee charges. Any member who wants to attend future meetings should contact Joyce joycecwccft@gmail.com or President Jim Werner jimwwccft@gmail.com.
Chair Gwen Roundtree Evans reports that she and committee members Mary Lou Sgro, Patti Sehulster, and Deborah Krikun met on November 2 and 9 to review applications for funding from both full-timers and adjuncts. The committee approved the following outlays:
Full-time faculty $9121.46
Adjunct faculty 2964.40
Total 12,085.86Checks will be dispersed as soon as a “banking glitch” is resolved. Questions, contact Gwen gwenr
WCCFT Vice President Deirdre Verne reports that the primary purpose of the grievance committee is to uphold the contract. This includes:
- Grievance Investigating, writing, and submitting grievances, and working with the faculty members and the administration to resolve them;
- Evaluating, in conjunction with our NYSUT Labor Relations Specialist, whether the grievance should move forward to arbitration, and assisting the LRS if it does.
The grievance committee also works to:
- Educate members about the contract;
- Track and document past practices, past grievances, and resolutions; and Use current and historical information to bring negotiation points forward.
To assist Deirdre in defending members’ contractual rights, WCCFT has launched a system of union shop stewards intended to gather information about and evaluate potential grievances. Union members from across the College are stepping forward in response to this call. Other members who wants to serve in this capacity should contact Deirdre at deirdrevwccft@gmail.com.
Chair Jen Gurahian reports that she is working with Executive Committee members Joe Sgammato and Eric De Sena to develop materials and strategies to expand membership. This will likely include a flier and survey to be disseminated during the spring semester.
Chair Ellen Zendman reports that eight of the nine candidates for Westchester County offices endorsed by WCCFT won their respective races. The monies we contributed to their campaigns came from Vote-Cope, NYSUT’s nonpartisan political action fund, which supports pro-labor and pro-public education candidates and helps our voices be heard at the county and state levels. Ellen urges members to contribute to Vote-Cope by completing this form: http://wcc.votecope.org/
Chair Robin Graff reports that the committee is exploring options for once again funding the scholarship through members’ contributions.