If you are not yet a member of WCCFT, you can enroll instantly at:
Why Join? Consider This:
Because of YOUR Faculty Union, Adjuncts….
- Are GUARANTEED DUE PROCESS in any disciplinary action the College may bring against you, and you are assured that any discipline must follow progressive steps
- Are able to GRIEVE any infringement of your contractual rights
- Can be REPRESENTED by the WCCFT and NYS United Teachers (NYSUT), our state-wide affiliate, in a grievance or disciplinary hearing
- Have SALARY INCREASES bargained with each new contract, which have included retroactive payments and signing bonuses, as well as developmental classes paid at the credit rate
- Have ACADEMIC FREEDOM to teach all relevant subject matter in your courses
- Can take one PAID SICK/PERSONAL session per course, each semester you teach at WCC
- Can “SWAP” COVERAGE with a qualified colleague, for up to four hours of instruction per semester, instead of taking a paid sick/personal session
- Achieve SENIOR ADJUNCT STATUS after 20 semesters, which GUARANTEES you a place in the COURSE ASSIGNMENT (or SHIFT SELECTION) process according to Section 3.9 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Are eligible to take WCC COURSES FOR FREE while you are teaching at the College
- Cannot be DISCRIMINATED AGAINST at the College
- Have LIMITS set on CLASS SIZES, on material being placed in your PERSONNEL FILE, and on the use of STUDENT EVALUATIONS in your sections
- Are entitled to BEREAVEMENT LEAVE if someone in your immediate family passes away
- Can request personalized BUSINESS CARDS (if you are a senior adjunct)
As union members, adjuncts….
- Have access to UNION CONSULTATION and SUPPORT on disciplinary and contractual issues
- Can be REIMBURSED for your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT activities (up to $2000 per year currently)
- Can attend UNION-RUN TRAINING SEMINARS and INFORMATION SESSIONS, on topics like applying for unemployment, understanding class assignment rights (under CBA Section 3.9), and understanding the disciplinary process
- Can make your voices heard and determine the direction of your union because you can attend monthly MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS and you have FULL VOTING RIGHTS on all union issues
- Are able to HOLD A UNION OFFICE, become members of the Executive Committee, chair union committees, or become NYSUT Delegates
- Automatically become a member of NYSUT, our State-wide affiliate
- Can take advantage of NYSUT legal services for actions beyond the Grievance level, NYSUT debt reduction services, NYSUT discounts on financial services, travel, and insurance, and NYSUT professional development opportunities
Besides increases in compensation, WCCFT Is Also Fighting For …
- Paid office hours and peer classroom observations (continued from 2017 pilot programs)
- Sick/personal days for non-teaching adjuncts
- Accumulation of sick/personal days
- No loss of pay for non-teaching adjuncts in college closures
- Increased professional development funding
- New York State Paid Family Leave
- Compensation for last-minute bumping from course assignments
You can easily and instantly enroll at:
Unsure of your membership status or want more information? Contact WCCFT Secretary Jennifer Gurahian, a proud adjunct member of our Executive Committee at jennifergwccft@gmail.com.