As a unionized workforce, we are protected by our collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Grievances arise when there is a departure from the CBA. Over the course of a school year, the WCCFT may only end up filing two or three formal grievances with the College, and although this may seem fairly manageable, formal grievances reflect a relatively small portion of the actual day-to-day grievance work.
Most of the work performed by the grievance chair involves investigating potential grievances and that number is significantly higher. In a typical month, the grievance chair may engage in four or five discussions regarding potential contract violations, especially at the beginning of each semester. Faculty grievance inquiries often require an informal discussion or investigation with the appropriate person at the College, which could include a payroll office employee, a department chair, a dean, a facilities manager, or the Provost.
Some informal grievance investigations are resolved quickly. For example, either the faculty member or the College manager may not fully understand an established process such as section 3.9 Course Assignments. Other times, the College may be willing to clarify and codify language through a side Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU).
When contract violations remain unresolved and the union feels that we have a strong case, we file a formal grievance with Dr. Miles. Formal grievances are often highly complex and may linger for months before being resolved. Formal grievances usually have a large financial impact on a faculty member or a group of faculty. These grievances may result in a significant change in our working conditions or may affect the employment status of a single faculty member.
Regardless of the outcome, each grievance is a learning opportunity for the grievance chair. If we lose a grievance or determine that our case may be too weak to pursue, we can still use that information as input for developing new contract demands. And for that reason, it is very important for faculty members to contact me at when concerns arise.
Your concerns are the building blocks for planning and strategizing.