
The mission of the WCCFT Adjunct Committee is to promote unity within the body of adjunct faculty professors at WCC and to improve the conditions of employment. In order to accomplish this mission, the Adjunct Committee holds monthly information sessions during the academic year where adjuncts can learn more about the union, learn about adjunct rights and benefits, ask questions, share concerns, and meet other adjuncts. The Adjunct Committee Chair can be contacted at any time with questions or concerns.

Adjunct Committee Chair: Virginia Caputo | Executive Board Member | Chair
(845) 499-9664

Adjunct Information Sessions Spring 2025

For Whom? All adjuncts – teaching, non-teaching, credit, non-credit.

Meeting ID: 890 7917 5953
Passcode: 745625

When? 7:00 pm on March 12, April 9, May 14 (second Wednesday of the month)
Why? To learn more about the union, to learn about adjunct rights and benefits, to ask questions, to share concerns, and to meet other adjuncts.