Claudia Jacques de Moraes Cardoso, Senior Adjunct, Art & Design:
Hello members of WCCFT. I am a WCC graduate, former senior technician (10 years), have been an
adjunct in the Art & Design Department for 42 semesters (since 2001), and currently serve as one of two adjunct
representatives on the Faculty Senate. I also know our union from many angles: I have served on
the Executive Board and the outgoing Negotiating Team, and am the art/web editor of our
newsletter, FTConnect. I have been working closely with VP Judy Langer to edit/update the language
of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and incorporate all the separate MOAs and sidebars into
one document. In the process, I have become thoroughly familiar with every aspect of our current
contract. I know the needs of adjunct and full-time intimately and will represent the entire faculty
on the Negotiating Team. If elected, I will continue to bring fresh ideas, new strategies and a lot of hard work to the bargaining
Madalena Mansinho, Full-time, Academic Support:
My name is Madalena Mansinho and I am hoping that you, my colleagues, members of my WCC
family, will grant me the opportunity to serve you as a member of the WCCFT Negotiating Team.
WCC has been my home for many years. I am an alumna of WCC, I was a math tutor, I am an
adjunct instructor for the Math Department and a full-time Coordinator for the Academic
Support Center.
I was born in Portugal, in the city of Olhao, a city on the Atlantic Ocean where the fishing industry
was king. Portugal was a dictatorship until 1974 and over the next few years, life changed very
quickly. I remember walking with my parents and grandparents to the polls on a Sunday evening
so they could vote in the first free elections of their lifetime. Unions are in my blood. I was 7 years
old when I first experienced the power of unions as I stood on a CGTP Union picket line, with my
grandfather and father, holding a sign that read “O povo unido, jamais sera vencido” (United, we
will never be defeated) while thousands of dock, fishing vessel, and canning factory workers
protested for better work conditions, a living wage and respect.
I have sat for many years at Union meetings, agreeing or disagreeing with what is being said or
the actions taken but I know that I can no longer just sit and not speak up. I realize that my words,
your words, our words can make a difference when we, members of the WCCFT put our
differences aside and speak with one voice, in solidarity. When we are negotiating with an
administration that does not always treat us with equity and respect, our ability to put our
differences aside and be united as one is the only way we can protect our present and safeguard
our future. By standing shoulder to shoulder, we are insuring that regardless of our role at WCC,
we are treated with the dignity, fairness and the respect that we deserve. I hope that I can have
your vote of confidence and that you will select me to serve as a member of the Negotiation
Laura Milhaven, Full-time, Counseling:
It would be my pleasure to represent both the teaching and non-teaching faculty in this next
round of contract negotiations.
Contract negotiations require time and commitment, as well as level headedness. I have
mastered the first two and I am working hard on the later. I realize “sitting at the table” can
become contentious but I am willing to put in the hard work to be able to extend proposals, listen
to offers and counteroffers.
I have not had extensive experience with contract negotiations but I am sure that I will be able
to represent all of the constituents our Union represents. I will bargain in “good faith” that is;
keep open the dialog, remove barriers whenever possible so that we can move forward, and
show flexibility all while standing firm on the important issues.
Everton Robinson, Adjunct, Psychology:
I am graduate from the City University of New York’s Bernard Baruch College with an M.Sc. in
Executive Labor Management and Industrial Relations and I would like to offer myself as a
candidate on the Negotiating Team. I have 30 years of private sector financial experience with a
number of companies I have worked with, including American Express, Solomon Brothers, and
Prudential Investments in various negotiating capacities. My academic experience in labor
management and industrial relations coupled with my financial experience would make me a
desirable candidate on the negotiating team at Westchester Community College. I ask you for
your vote. Your vote would allow me to bring my private sector experience to the public sector
of which I have been a member for the last decade, and almost 2 years with WCC.
Paul Robinson, Full-time, Physical Sciences:
My name is Paul Robinson, and I have been a faculty member in the Physical Sciences Department
since 2005. Many of you know that I have worked on many projects at the school over the years,
and I have worked closely with the administration at times. In any project I have worked on, I put
faculty first. I am particularly sympathetic to the needs of junior, untenured faculty, and adjunct
faculty. The Union is here to maintain and develop our bargaining agreement, and to ensure that
the administration does not violate our contractual rights. I am well-versed in our contract. This
past summer, I attended 3 days of training at our local NYSUT office, which included a day of
training on negotiations. I want to serve to not only preserve the gains we have made but
strengthen and build upon them. I am ready and willing to serve you as a member of the
negotiation team.
Sean Simpson, Full-time, Mathematics:
Hello members of WCCFT. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Sean Simpson, a member
of the Mathematics department here at WCC since 2002. It is a little hard for me to believe that
I am now considered one of the “senior” faculty since there are still some occasions where I feel
like the new kid on the block. I also find it a little odd to be considered “senior” when I know that
I still have a rather lengthy career in front of me at WCC, but that really is just a reminder of how
much change has occurred in my 16+ years here.
During my time here at WCC, I have held many roles – Faculty Senate Presiding Officer (4 years),
adjunct coordinator (6 years), acting department chair (1 semester while chair was on sabbatical),
etc. I have also been an adjunct myself for the past decade at Concordia College. Due to all of
these experiences, I have a wide range of knowledge about many (although certainly not all) of
the concerns of the different parts of our faculty.
In terms of participating in our union, my biggest contribution occurred in the last year. The
membership elected me as a member of the negotiations team that resulted in our current one
year rollover contract. I learned a great deal during that experience and I would like to utilize that
knowledge to help us on our next contract.
Thanks for your consideration and (hopefully) your vote.