The Adjunct Committee of the WCCFT is dedicated to expanding the voice of part-time faculty in union affairs, strengthening the job security of adjunct colleagues, and, in general, making the union a partnership in addressing the challenges and improving the working conditions of part-time faculty.
Adjuncts constitute a large majority of the faculty. It makes sense, then, for part-time faculty to have a comparable voting voice at the bargaining table. By joining the WCCFT, you can participate in meetings and committees, making valuable connections with other faculty. You can also vote in elections. Most importantly, you can have an impact on the contract that determines the conditions of your employment at WCC.
In the current contract with the college, adjuncts only have rights when reaching seniority status after 20 semesters of teaching. WCCFT can challenge that if part-time colleagues participate in significant numbers.
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Here are some of WCCFT’s past accomplishments:
- Played a major role in helping the College acquire funds from the County Board of Legislators necessary to create two new full-time faculty lines;
- Argued successfully to have an adjunct paid in full for courses she was prevented from teaching because she was not credited with the proper seniority;
- Argued successfully to have a full-timer paid in full for summer courses from which she was improperly bumped;
- Gotten a full-time faculty member’s disciplinary penalty reduced from a semester’s suspension without pay and benefits to a less severe penalty on the grounds that the penalty was much too severe for a first infraction;
- Gotten the policies of the English Language Institute modified to be more in harmony with the union contract;
- Met with leaders of the CSEA unit at WCC (our staff union) and with representatives of the College to work on issues of health and safety, including plans to address possible workplace violence;
- Enthusiastically supported and contributed to the campaign to elect George Latimer as Westchester County Executive;
- Installed WCCFT bulletin boards in every building on the Valhalla campus for better communication with the members.
Justice, equity, and collaboration are the goals of our Union, goals we advance by joining and being involved.
WCCFT Adjunct Committee
Eric De Dena | | Executive Board Member | Chair