A Letter to the WCC Board of Trustees About Adjuncts
A message from the 2015-16 Adjunct Committee Chair
2013 Survey of Adjunct Faculty
A Letter to Westchester Community College Adjuncts
One Union For All Faculty
As WCC faculty members, adjuncts are represented by the WCCFT. Schedules, working conditions, and compensation are determined by the provisions of a contract negotiated between the union and the College. The union represents adjuncts whether or not they are enrolled members; a fee to cover this representation is automatically deducted from adjunct pay, and that fee is the same whether or not a faculty member joins–but the fee itself does not make anyone a member. As a member, you can attend monthly meetings and participate in discussions of issues facing faculty; participate on union committees, help determine the union’s goals in contract negotiations, and vote on acceptance of tentative contract agreements; vote on measures taken by the union and vote for union officers; meet and talk to part- and full-time colleagues from across the WCC campuses. If you don’t know whether you are a member, you may contact WCCFT Secretary Rowan Lindley at rowanlwccft@gmail.com or simply complete the online membership enrollment form http://www.sunywccft.org/membership-form/ .
The WCCFT Adjunct Committee
The WCCFT Adjunct Committee’s mission is to insure that union members who are part-time employees have a voice within the union. The committee’s goals include recruiting more adjunct voting members, strengthening adjunct job security, and, in general, making the union a partner for addressing adjunct challenges and improving adjunct working conditions. Log in the view the minutes of past Adjunct Committee meetings under Minutes & Agendas.
Some helpful links for adjuncts:
The AFT’s “best practices” for contingent faculty: http://www.aft.org/about/resolution_detail.cfm?articleid=218
AFT publications about academic staffing (full-time/part-time): http://www.aftface.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=428&Itemid=96
The Delphi Project’s website (they connect to administrators as well as faculty about addressing the “contingentization” crisis): http://www.thechangingfaculty.org/
The New Faculty Majority site: http://www.newfacultymajority.info/national/
Instructions for using the MyWCC Portal and WCC Mail.